SportCares Bursary
The SportCares Bursary aims to increase opportunities for children and youth from low-income families to participate in various programmes offered by ActiveSG Academies and Clubs (A&Cs).
Our aspiration through this initiative is to see SportCares Bursary recipients engage in a healthy lifestyle, learn a new sport, and build a sense of belonging in the community they live in.
Eligibility Criteria
- Singapore Citizens and Permanent Residents are welcome to apply.
- Children and youth aged 3 – 18 years old.
- The Bursary recipient and/or applicant must be currently receiving financial assistance from a government or non-profit organisation.
Please refer to the list below of the eligible financial assistance schemes.
The list is as follow:
Ministry of Social and Family Development
- ComCare Short-to-Medium Term Assistance
- ComCare Long-Term Assistance
- ComCare Interim Assistance
- Student Care Fee Assistance (SCFA)
- Child Care Financial Assistance (CCFA)
- Kindergarten Fee Assistance Scheme (KiFAS)
- KiFAS Startup Grant
Ministry of Education
- MOE Financial Assistance Scheme
- Higher Education Community Bursary (Tier 1 and 2 only)
- Diploma Foundation Bursary
The Straits Times
- Straits Times School Pocket Money Fund
Chinese Development Assistance Council
- CDAC Family Assistance Programme
Singapore Indian Development Association
- School Pocket Money Fund
- Pre-School Bursary
- SINDA Bursary
- Education Trust Fund School Assistance Scheme (ETF-SAS)
- MENDAKI-Muis Preschool Grant (MMPG)
Bursary Coverage
The bursary will cover seasonal participation fees for nine (9) ActiveSG Academies & Clubs (A&C): Athletics, Basketball, Football, Hockey, Tennis, Volleyball, Water Polo, Canoe, and Table Tennis.
Expectations of Bursary Recipients
All SportCares Bursary Recipients are expected to attend at least 70% of the training sessions per season and display sportsmanship conduct during all A&C related sessions. Failure to meet the attendance requirement of 70% per season may result in the suspension of the Bursary.
How to Apply?
Interested individuals will be notified via email when the next application window is open. To join our mailing list, please add your email address via this form.
For community groups, social service agencies and schools, we request that you write to us here.